
Laura Ragni, P.I. (She/Her)

  • Present-October 2023: Professor for Plant cell Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, DE.
  • October 2013-September 2023 Independent group leader at the Center for Plant Molecular Biology (ZMBP), University of Tübingen, DE.
  • 2009-2013 Postdoc as EMBO and MHV fellow at the University of Lausanne, CH
  • 2005-2008 Ph.D. in Plant cellular biology at INRA Versailles, FR.
  • 2003 Erasmus student at the University of Warwick.
  • 1999-2005 B.Sc.+ M.Sc. in Plant and Agrarian Biotechnology at the Università degli Studi di Milano, IT.

Laura is an Italian “mamma” of two boys and loves running.

Contact Laura and Follow Laura on: Scholar, OrcID, X, Bluesky


David Molina, Postdoc (He/His)

  • He joined our group in November 2018 to investigate the role of MYB transcription factors during cork differentiation.

Contact David:,  Phone: 0761 203-8454, Office Room 02.072 Institute of Biology II.

Follow David on: OrcID


Sara Horvath, PhD student (She/Her)

  • She joined our group in July 2022 to investigate suberin deposition during cork differentiation.

Contact Sara:

Phone: 0761 203-2680, Office Room 02.076 Institute of Biology II.

Follow Sara on: OrcID


Hengqi Ji, PhD student (She/Her)

  • She joined our team in September 2023 to study how the stem cells of the cork cambium acquire their identity.

Contact Hengqi:

Phone: 0761 203-2680, Office Room 02.076 Insitute of Biology II.

Follow Hengqi on: OrcID



Verena Lang, TA (She/Her)

  • She joined our group in October 2024.

Contact Verena:

Phone: 0761 203-268, Office Room 02.076 Instiute of Biology II.



Noah Ragab, Bachelor student/ Hiwi.

Dr. Wei Xiao, (Phd/Post doc), now Postdoc at VIB Ghent, BE

Dr. Xudong Zhang, (Post doc), now Reseracher at University of Hohenheim

Dr. Mehdi Ben-Targem, (PhD student) now Post doc at HAWK, DE

Dr. Anna Wunderling, (PhD student)

Dr. Azahara Barra Jimenez, (Post doc)

Dr. Andreia Matos, (Visiting Ph.D Student EMBO short term fellow from Célia Miguel Lab)

Andrea Bock, (T.A.)

Dagmar Kolb, (T.A.)

Stefan Mahn, (Master student/HiWi)

Rebecca Richeter, (Master student/HiWi)

Kathrin Sajak, (Master student/HiWi)

Lucas Freidel, (HiWi)

Daniel Jeschke, (HiWi)

Marta Boi, (Hiwi)

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